Monday, December 31, 2012

Baby Boutique

New Arrivals at
Adorable New Baby Bags.  We are so excited to add these to our online store.  Lots of styles and most importantly: super functional.  So versatile, these bags can be used for other purposes other than a baby tote.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Next Up: Master Bedroom Re-Do

Next project: tackling the master bedroom! The paint color has been the same for over five years now (at least)...and not that it is a bad color, I am just sick of it and ready for a change. This project may take a while because it is going to be a challenge in a few ways-cost and lots of blood, sweat, and tears...hopefully no blood, not too many tears, but for sure a lot of sweat. The vaulted celings make the room hard to paint and not complaining, but our master is pretty lots of work. Here are my ideas of what the new room will look like when complete.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Party!

Maia's first birthday party was an amazing blast. We had so many family and friends celebrate this special first occasion with us. Surprisingly, this was the FIRST party I've ever thrown in my home (except for a friend's baby shower) and it was a lot of fun! Above are some pictures of the birthday girl along with the homemade highchair tutu as well as other homemade birthday party favors and other custom decorative items I ordered from

Monday, February 13, 2012

DIY Highchair Tutu

I've decided to make a high chair tutu for my little girl's first birthday party. I looked into buying one...but they can be very expensive. With zero sewing skills, I'm going to make a NO SEW tutu. I have found a few DIY tutorials and above are some examples of what the tutu will look like when complete!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

1st Birthday Party Planning

Maia's first birthday is coming up SOON!! I have been in super crazy mom mode trying to get everything ordered for her celebration. Even though she will not remember this party, I want to celebrate her first year with all of the people who have been there for us to make this year one of the best year's ever. We are celebrating the pure joy of having Maia in our lives!!
The party theme is centered around owls and so far these are the things I have ordered...
Also, in the process of making a custom high chair tutu for my little princess' party. More details on that coming up later...
As for all the party invitations, outfit, treat bags, and etc...they are all ordered custom with Maia's name on them, of course!